
Making firewood has never been easier with modern Black Diamond Log Splitter

A power Black Diamond Log Splitter is powered by gas or electric motors and they are really easy to use once you have read over the manual or had someone show you the working parts of the machine. You place the log/wood in a cradle so that it is secure. A ram with a sharp blade that has a wedge shape is then driven into the log with enough pressure from the hydraulic pump or the electric motor eventually causing the log to split into 2 pieces.

Making firewood has never been easier with modern log splitters. The best woods to burn are straight grained hardwoods like walnut, hickory, pecan, locust or oak. We researched consumer sites like Amazon.com and Epinions.com to see what customers say about their log splitter purchases and we also read countless reviews in online forums.

One of the most in depth and comparative log splitter reviews we found was at Popular Mechanics website with quite a few models tested and compared head to head. A new hydraulic log splitter will cost between $1000 and $4000. Features to look for - Firstly, you need to decide on the splitting force. Log splitters are broken into categories based on their splitting force power (in tons). You'll see some below 10 tons, but most offer 20 to 40 tons of splitting force. The splitter doesn't rely on speed to split the wood, it uses sheer power.

The higher the ton #, the more power you'll get. A good way to determine what size splitter you need to get is how big are the logs you'll be splitting. You typically go by the diameter of the log - 6 inch diameters require at least 4 tons of splitting force, 12 inch diameters should have a minimum of 16 tons, and 24 inch diameter logs need 30+ tons of splitting force. The age of the wood will also become a factor as freshly cut wood is harder to split than logs that have aged and lost some of the moisture in them. They refer to the log types as 'green' or 'seasoned'.

Cycle time is another factor to consider. Average cycle time (the time required to split the log and return the ram to it's original position) is about 12 to 20 seconds. That means you could get through 3 logs in roughly 1 minute and take on a whole cord of wood in no time. The maximum log length varies from splitter to splitter - usually from 18" to 32"+. Something else to think about is - Will you need to tow the splitter? Are you going to be taking it to another property and have to tow it on the highway? Not all splitters are towable, so keep that in mind. We found that reviews for electric log splitters were above average.

Owners like the fact the machines are quieter to run than gas powered and they work great on mid-sized logs. The drawback is the electric power cord that keeps you near a power outlet. Hard to use electric log splitters out in remote areas - you would need to take a generator. The 3 point log splitters (also called PTO wood splitters) attach to your tractor and let you take the splitter anywhere on your property to take on the wood splitting chore. Assembly on all the log splitters we reviewed was fairly easy - few complaints. The largest number of concerns are with splitters that leak hydraulic fluid.

Also, the log cradles don't always keep the Log Splitter in place after they have been split. Sometimes this results in the split log pieces falling into the battery or motor area depending on the design of the wood splitter - this can cause damage. Look for splitters that have a solid housing around the working parts so they can remain free of damage. Electric start function is a nice touch - just push a button to start instead of pulling a cord. We also like the log splitters that have a low idle setting when not splitting, reduces noise and wear and tear on the motor.


Important Safety Tips For Cnsupepower Forest King Log Splitter

Cnsupepower Guide - The Forest King Log Splitter is useful for people who need to split the wood for different purposes. However, if you ignore all the warnings, then the benefits of the shunt is impossible to achieve. Before you start using the chopper, there are some safety regulations that need to be understood.
The log splitter is mechanical, and if you operate it sloppy, it could be dangerous. Whether you are a technician or you have been engaged in this industry for years, you should always brush on safety tips. A stupid mistake may cause your personal injury or injury to anyone nearby.
When you want to cut the wood, you must comply with the safety equipment requirements. You need safety gadgets, including protective glasses for flying debris, gloves, safety steel toe boots and correct work pants. Unless you use a noise-free super friendly electric splitter, you will need earplugs to avoid damaging the eardrum.
Adults know how to operate log splitters, but the kids do not know. It is not a toy, you do not want to brave the splash of debris or logs hurt them. Even when used indoors, children should be trained to avoid dangerous machines.
There is always an instruction manual for an extension manufacturer. It is always a guide to your operation and safety precautions. For example, you should read the manual and understand the load capacity of the machine. Heavy load is equivalent to disaster.
These splitters are equipped with a height adjustment plate, and you need to make sure that the machine has been adjusted before use. If you pay no attention, you can cause serious back problems and chronic pain in use.
If you want to minimize the accident, you should make sure your work area is tidy. Do not work in crowded spaces where you will risk tripping and getting hurt. You should remove any debris and make sure that the separate wood does not hinder your movements.
The Log Splitter is best able to use it outdoors. Indoor use for a long time may lead to the accumulation of carbon monoxide and. Make sure your operating area is also good. Working in a dark or dark place may cause damage to you.


The best Log Splitter for me really depends on your needs

Before I get into all the details I need to give you some background information to put everything into context. The best Log Splitter for me really depends on your needs. But more on that later.

My log splitter has been a valuable prep item for me and has split many cords of wood (large diameter wood) without any problem at all.

The ability to ‘make heat’ during the winter without electricity could make the difference between misery and comfort, or even life and death, or at a minimum, damage to your home from freezing/bursting pipes.

Many of us have a fireplace or wood stove in our home, however they are mostly not used for our main source of winter heat.

These days of course, home heating is accomplished typically by either an oil burner, natural gas, or electricity.

What if the power goes out?

An oil burner needs electricity to ignite and to power the pumps or blowers to circulate the heat. Electric heat (baseboard units), well, need electricity to function at all. Natural Gas heaters, if of the simple variety – like a wall unit, do not need electricity to function if they have a pilot flame – although many ‘significant’ gas heaters do require electricity to circulate the heat.

What is the most basic method of making heat without electricity? Fire. Having a wood stove is a great backup for home heat.

Assuming that you have one, the next thing is procuring the wood! Here’s the thing… you can buy wood already cut and split to your required dimension, or you can save some money and do it yourself. The thing is, after the wood is cut to length, who wants to split it by hand (axe-wedge-etc.) to manageable pieces? Not me… I’ll do it the easy way with a log splitter.

Several years ago I researched log-splitters and was looking for something that wasn’t extremely expensive – knowing that I’m not doing this as a business, but just for my own use for home. I was willing to settle upon a gasoline-powered splitter, but they were all pretty expensive. While looking at electric log-splitters I settled upon one, which was highly reviewed. I must say that since I’ve bought it and used it for a few years, I’m still thrilled with it’s performance, its compact size, and quiet operation.

Yes, I know, this one requires electricity to function. The idea is to split your wood ‘before’ the power goes out! Or, if you have solar power, you’re all set…

Anyway, I just wanted to put out a recommendation for any of you who may be in the market for a good, but not terribly expensive log splitter for your personal use at home.

This is the Performance Built Log Splitter that I have. Read the reviews yourself and shop around if you’re interested. Consider the good old fashioned method of wood heat for your winter heating backup, should things go ‘bad’…


How to Find a Service Center For Your Cnsuperpower Performance Built Log Splitter

Log Splitter purchased online can be serviced and repaired under warranty, just like those from local dealers and retailers.
The log splitters found here at cnsuperpower.com come with at least a 1-year manufacturer warranty, meaning that anything covered under warranty can be repaired at any authorized service center.
There are just a few basic components to a hydraulic log splitter. These are, in addition to the steel frame and wheels for ease of moving, a hydraulic cylinder, an oil pump, a control valve and a gas powered engine. Tools and materials may vary depending on what is wrong with the splitter, but in general, it’s good to have a few basic items on hand.
Step 1: Troubleshoot – Oil Pump
Knowing precisely what is wrong with your log splitter is the first step to repair. If you keep enough hydraulic fluid in the reserve tank, the oil pump should be in good working order. You may need to replace the oil filter if it is old and worn out. Additionally, the hosing that channels the high-pressure and low-pressure fluid to and from the cylinder might need replacing.
Step 2: Engine
Check the engine. Make sure there is both fuel and fire getting to the motor. If it’s not starting, check the spark plug. If you can look into the carburetor and see gas, fuel is getting there. If it is, it’s probably not getting fire. The plug and points wear out after time and will need replacing. Pull the plug wire off and with insulated pliers, hold it about ¼-inch from the tip of the plug and pull the rope starter. If no spark is seen, the points need replacing.
Step 3: Hydraulic Cylinder
Assuming the cylinder is not severely damaged, that is, has not swelled, cracked, and the piston rod is not damaged, a faulty seal or piston ring inside the cylinder is usually to blame. To replace the seal, you may have to dismantle the whole cylinder. Never use a sharp object to remove the seal, and be careful not to scratch the shaft or you could have problems later. Obtain a diagram of the cylinder if you do not already have one for specific instructions on dismantling it.
Step 4: Valve
The valve is the switch you use to control the pressure into and out of the cylinder. It is the control that applies force to the cylinder which in turn pushes the log onto the splitting wedge. Check to see that the valve is operating properly. Making sure the hosing is not damaged and that the seals are all tight will go a long way in letting you know what’s wrong.
Both a horizontal and a vertical log splitter can be gas powered hydraulic machines. There are only a few parts to a hydraulic log splitter, making it one of the simplest hydraulic tools in use. Troubleshooting possible malfunctions involves checking each of the component parts: valve, oil pump, engine, and hydraulic cylinder and all of the connecting seals and hosing. Once isolated, you can focus on the specific component and get your Performance Built Log Splitter working properly again.


Here’s what the best Forest King Log Splitter for most people needed to have

At Cnsuperpower, we have a variety of high quality log splitter for sale.
It took us over 60 hours of extensive testing to find the best Log Splitter for most people. We rated their speed, force and ease of use, as well as how well did they handle different types of wood, from lightweight to hard categories, both wet and dry, knotted and clean.

After many weeks of thorough research, we picked 10 different models and created a checklist which contained characteristics we determined to be essential for the best log splitter.

Here’s what the best log splitter for most people needed to have:
Strength. One of the main reasons people think about switching to a log splitter is their power, so one of the main factors in our decision was the strength of the motor and splitting force, as well as the ability of log splitter to handle a variety of wood types and sizes.

Speed. Another important feature of log splitters is the fact the significantly reduce time needed for cutting wood. We rated log splitters for their cycle time, or more precisely, the average time needed for different models to split the same log.

Economy. Power-hungry machines tend to do work great, but at a great cost too. We tried to find log splitter that offers optimal balance between quality performance and economical consumption of power.

Ease of use. Log splitters use different modes of operation, and some of them proved to be easier to handle, therefore, more suitable for a wide variety of people to use.

Mobility. Although not all people look for a log splitter that can be easily moved, it’s certainly a benefit to have the option to use a log splitter on various sites, depending on the situation that comes up. Lightweight models or cordless log splitters hold an advantage in this part of testing, due to the fact they are more easily moved if needed.

Additional features. Some models have additional useful features, like changeable position, automatic ram return or attachment for towing, so we considered that when we rated Forest King Log Splitter. Additional features could really elevate a log splitter to a whole another level, so models who had useful features were awarded with bonus points.


Forest King Log Splitter with a gas cnsuperpower log splitter

Forest King Log Splitter with a gas cnsuperpower log splitter doesn't have to require a lot of muscle.
With the right techniques and the right tools, any David can conquer a Goliath-sized log.
So before you go trying to hack a tree into firewood, consider these tips, tricks, and tools to help you succeed.
After all, nobody - big or small - wants to end their day with a hernia.
Cutting Down to Size
You've gotta crawl before you walk, right?
The same goes here. Before you split into smaller pieces, you'll have to cut the monstrous log into halves.
Using a horizontal/vertical cnsuperpower log splitter allows you to pivot into a vertical position and roll (or "walk") the log into place without lifting.
Catch the Break
Once you've gotten that big bad thing split down by half, you may be able to lift it onto the splitter.
Once you're able to lift it onto the splitter, you can cut that half into quarters, but the pieces may still be too large to catch as they're cut.
Log cradles can help catch the halves as they're split, so that way you're not continuously bending and lifting the pieces.
This is a good thing, because a quarter of a giant log still needs to be split further.
Working in Double-Time
If you've got a lot of medium-sized logs that need to be split into quarters, you may not want to spend as much time on each one.
To power through many logs in half the time, you can use a 4-way wedge to cut your work load in half. Essentially, it combines the previous two steps into one by incorporating wings on the splitting wedge to cut it into 4 pieces at once.
While this won't necessarily be the way to go with super-sized logs, it'll cut your workload in half with the average sized logs.
Jiashan Superpower Tools Co., Ltd specializes in manufacturing various kinds of Lawn & Garden products and log splitters. Our main items are bg splitter, dump carts, spreaders, lawn sweepers, lawn aerators , etc. Over ten years of manufacturing experience in log splitter industry, we developed more and more innovative log splitter , which are energy-saving and environmentally friendly. We have got a few patents on some of our Log Splitter.Su-perpower has become a leading manufacturer in log splitters in China.


A fuel or electric Log Splitter for sale

If you are interested in purchasing a fuel or electric Log Splitter for sale, it is likely that you are set on finding the best possible one. Unfortunately, ‘best’ will mean different things to different people. Some will believe it refers to the best selling ones and others will believe it refers to the top rated ones. So, how can you go about finding the best model for your needs?
The easiest way to determine the current best selling splitters is to simply walk into a showroom and ask one of the sales reps which three models are the most popular.
Determining the top rated splitters will, unfortunately, be a little more difficult. The decision is made based on the features of the machine, so your best bet will be to search online.
The easiest way to determine the models most recommended by the experts is also to search online. You could ask a sales rep, but if they don’t know they might just make it up.
Whilst you should definitely compare each of the lists to see which log splitters continue to reappear, you will probably find that most people are drawn to expert recommendations. This is because someone who is considered highly knowledgeable in the field has deemed that particular model as up to the task and worthy of spending your money on.
When it comes to electric splitters, you will probably find that horizontal models tend to fill up most of the top spots. This is because the force exerted will be able to best cut through the log at this angle.
When it comes to fuel splitters, you will probably find that combination horizontal and vertical models tend to fill up most of the top spots. This is because these machines are much bigger and more versatile.
So, the next time you are looking at either electric or fuel log splitters for sale, make sure you find out what the best selling models are, the top rated models are and the most recommended models are. This should give you a pretty good idea of the brands that are performing the best Black Diamond Log Splitter, allowing you to make a choice that will suit your needs perfectly.