
Forest King Log Splitter with a gas cnsuperpower log splitter

Forest King Log Splitter with a gas cnsuperpower log splitter doesn't have to require a lot of muscle.
With the right techniques and the right tools, any David can conquer a Goliath-sized log.
So before you go trying to hack a tree into firewood, consider these tips, tricks, and tools to help you succeed.
After all, nobody - big or small - wants to end their day with a hernia.
Cutting Down to Size
You've gotta crawl before you walk, right?
The same goes here. Before you split into smaller pieces, you'll have to cut the monstrous log into halves.
Using a horizontal/vertical cnsuperpower log splitter allows you to pivot into a vertical position and roll (or "walk") the log into place without lifting.
Catch the Break
Once you've gotten that big bad thing split down by half, you may be able to lift it onto the splitter.
Once you're able to lift it onto the splitter, you can cut that half into quarters, but the pieces may still be too large to catch as they're cut.
Log cradles can help catch the halves as they're split, so that way you're not continuously bending and lifting the pieces.
This is a good thing, because a quarter of a giant log still needs to be split further.
Working in Double-Time
If you've got a lot of medium-sized logs that need to be split into quarters, you may not want to spend as much time on each one.
To power through many logs in half the time, you can use a 4-way wedge to cut your work load in half. Essentially, it combines the previous two steps into one by incorporating wings on the splitting wedge to cut it into 4 pieces at once.
While this won't necessarily be the way to go with super-sized logs, it'll cut your workload in half with the average sized logs.
Jiashan Superpower Tools Co., Ltd specializes in manufacturing various kinds of Lawn & Garden products and log splitters. Our main items are bg splitter, dump carts, spreaders, lawn sweepers, lawn aerators , etc. Over ten years of manufacturing experience in log splitter industry, we developed more and more innovative log splitter , which are energy-saving and environmentally friendly. We have got a few patents on some of our Log Splitter.Su-perpower has become a leading manufacturer in log splitters in China.

